Due to the rise in Data Theft, which has increased and evolved over the years, we have noticed more and more businesses are holding onto hard drives for PC’s and / Servers. We recently came across a company which had
Organisations have a clear mandate to apply the waste hierarchy within their operations however, many businesses and local authorities in our experience are falling short. The Waste Hierarchy regulation was brought into
Remember; Reduce, reuse and recycle. 1 ) Recycling 1 tonne of Aluminium saves extracting 4 tonnes of bauxite. 2 ) Making new steel from old scrap steel offers up to a 75% energy saving. 3 ) Each tonne of recycled paper
Recycling Your I.T. has always had a clear, visible and simple pricing policy. For those who are not already aware we are proud to announce that it has just got even easier. Our recycling service is FREE OF CHARGE!! We
During the last year 30 landfill sites have closed in the UK, taking the number of closures to 130 since 2008, according to a new report. Although another eight landfill sites have either opened or re-opened in the last