Newsletter June 2017, Our Latest IT Recycling News
Impacts Of GDPR
The upcoming General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) expands the scope of data protection; mainly by expanding the rights of individual data subjects. Clients must explicitly give their consent for their data to be processed, with the responsibility to handle the information resting with the holder.

Off-Site Storage
We are noticing an increase in the number of collections we are making from the 24hr storage facilities that have become a common sight on any city centre journey. They may just provide you with the secure, flexible and readily available solution for the next large scale equipment roll out you have planned, or give you that extra bit of room needed when logging the equipment for removal from your asset register.
Gone Phishing
Making staff aware of security issues should not be a onetime training exercise, and everybody needs to be involved irrespective of their position in the hierarchy. The staff within your business are the last line of defence; your employees must be able to identify and avoid potentially malicious emails, reducing the threat to your business.