Recycling Your IT

Newsletter – June 2013

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The Waste Hierarchy: Did You Know It’s Your Duty

Organisations have a clear mandate to apply the waste hierarchy within their operations however, many businesses and local authorities in our experience are falling short.

The Waste Hierarchy regulation was brought into force in 2011. It applies to the following businesses and local authorities;


Data Protection

Due to the rise in Data Theft, which has increased and evolved over the years, we have noticed more and more businesses are holding onto hard drives for PC’s and / Servers. We recently came across a company which had been storing their hard drives for the last fifteen years. They accumulated approximately two hundred and thirty in all. Why? Because the directors where worried about data falling into the wrong hands.

Remember; Reduce, Reuse And Recycle.

Our Accreditions
Cyber Essentials logo
ISO Certification 14001
ISO 9001 Certificate
BSI Cert
Working with the NHS