Recycling Your IT

Can a remarketing service help me raise funds?


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If your business needs to raise capital, selling its outdated and unused tech facilities can be one of the best options out there. However, taking on the challenge yourself can be a very time-consuming process while it’s also very likely that you’ll only see limited results. So, could the help of a remarking service help raise funds?

The short answer is ‘yes’, but you probably want to know more than that. Here’s why remarketing can be the perfect way to raise capital.

Raise Money Without the Hassle

For most business owners, the main reason to avoid selling old items is that the costs outweigh the benefits. After all, selling equipment through private sales will probably lead to limited revenue opportunities while paying staff members to organise and list the equipment will eat into your budget too.

Conversely, opting for remarketing services allows you to utilise the success of a winning team to handle all aspects from sorting to selling. This enables you to spend more time actually running the business while employees can complete the jobs they’re paid to do too. For this reason alone, remarketing is the most practical solution by far.

Better still, you won’t have comebacks because the products won’t be your responsibility. When added to the fact that all data is wiped, remarketing is a great way to raise capital without any fears.

Raise Money By Selling More Items In The Quickest Fashion

The use of remarketing services doesn’t only remove the hassle, it also maximises the revenue opportunities. We boast a network of contacts who actively look to buy goods. This allows us to shift the products on quickly and efficiently, which means you get paid far sooner too. As experts in the field, we also know a fair price.

When machinery and equipment is deemed unsellable, remarketing allows you to turn the situation into a positive as the products are sent off to the recycling centre. Once disassembled, the good parts can be harvested to make new items. This ensures that you can raise funds even when computers are beyond the point of rescue.

So, you can get some money quickly while also gaining an ongoing stream of revenue until all sellable items are sold.

Raising Money In An Increasingly Popular Way

Remarketing has become a very popular option in recent times among buyers and sellers alike. The ability to recycle goods can save time, money, and the environment. This is especially true when using a service like ours, which prides itself on avoiding the use of landfills. Of course, the speed and efficiency are key components too.

Given the increased popularity among buyers (businesses and individuals), the opportunities for sellers are greater than ever. Likewise, the growth of online sales creates a bigger audience for companies like ours, which ultimately has a huge influence on your hopes of raising capital from your old goods.

Raising funds through remarketing isn’t only possible, it’s fast and practical too. To give your business a significant boost of cash, try recycling your old equipment today.